[[..abC survey..]]
[a]ge: 17 on da 22nd of dis month =D (21 years young)
[b]estfriends: so many..but kaye is the one im really close to.. (nichelle, my evil bestfriend ginalyn, cyndy, my bestfriend from another state aka my best ever princess, and the rest of my top friends)
[c]hoice of meat: chicken?..but thatz poultry huh?..oh well.. (beef)
[d]ream date: to have fun! of course..though i never been on one..so wat do i knoe? (as long as its special between us)
[e]xciting adventure: to get out of this house for the summer is adventure itself! (all my adventures are exciting haha)
[f]avorite food: chicken (same)
[g]reatest accomplishment: 4.12 GPA (damn forreals!? 4.12!! haha, i miss that)
[h]appiest day of your life: do u see me wid a gf!?!? (several)
[i]nterests: basketball..KINGS!..going online..watching TV..etc.. (pretty much the same)
[j]ello: "theres always room for jello beotch!!!" (cool whip)
[k]ool aid: i m not much of a kool-aid person (same)
[l]ove: my frends and family of course =D (same)
[m]ost valued: my own life..and the lifes of the ones i love.. (same again)
[n]ame: ralph warren ordona madriaga =D
[o]utfit you wore to school today: didn't go skewl today..duh! (didnt go to school today)
[p]izza topping: pepperoni..and hawaiian (combination without the mushrooms though)
[q]uestion most asked: wtf? lol (idk)
[r]adio station: 99.3 (star 99 kjoy) 94.1 (KHOP) (same , add 93.1)
[s]port: basketball
[t]elevision show: FRIENDS
[u]r favorite song: all my life by kci and jojo
[w]here you live: 209 stockton!
[x]yz: wtf?
[y]ear born: 1987
[z]odiac sign: i have cancer =( haha..jk