Monday, August 31, 2009


i really need to call or text her soon. its driving me insane, and talking to a close friend of mines and she gives me the go signal of actually being the one to contact her..i'm tired of waiting for her to contact me so i have to do it..but how do i do it? what do i say? i miss her and i want her back in my life..i can't take this anylonger..i miss my best friend..

school is so far so good, just one class, but its the kind of class that will take over your life hahaha.

finally told her what was bothering me..was it a good idea? idk..who knows what she thinks of me now.. =/

i've experienced first hand what drinking and driving does..i was on a scene saturday night, and i knew the ppl i was standing on that street, i was shooken up..not only a DUI, but under aged as well..STUPID STUPID STUPID kids..yet im glad they are is going through a lot of shit now, since they had to bail him out of jail..lesson learned indeed

got to finish my lab write up before i head to class! later days!

Monday, August 24, 2009


its been weeks..should i text her..or should i wait for her to text me? i can't take this..

on another note, i'm real happy we can maintain a healthy relationship, but there are still too many things that bother me, i want to share them with you, but would our relationship still stand? =/

barely have time to blog lately, school started, and my laptop doesn't have internet access at the moment..AGAIN..gahhh, and plus i'm always on my iphone now hahaha, but i can't blog from there, the only have an app for! well hope everything is going good with everyone..if anything text me to see whats up! fastest and easiest way to get a hold of me! unless i'm driving haha, cuz i can't do much texting and driving more t9! that is all..later days

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

that's wassup! or that's the business! ??

haha, realized some interesting lingo, well at least here in stockton .. south side folks tend to say "that's wassup" when talking about something cool or whatever, and north side folks tend to say "thats the business" this is based on my own observation..idk what they say in other places, or what you say?

some examples of my random blog..haha

"sweet tea with 4 shots of cream is the business!"

etc etc haha

Saturday, August 15, 2009

her name's robin..

omg, where have i beeeeen!? hahaha who knows, my life is pretty hectic the past few weeks, more like the past few months..blehh..

3 different ppl real close to me, have f**ked up, im willing to admit that i did the best i could to maintain a healthy relationship with after another, they f**k up, i've done my part, if they want to act like damn babies, grow the f**k up..if you're going to be a hypocrite, grow the f**k up..i'm tired..i'm actually having something going good with my life right now, please dont jeopardize it..if you are willing to work at our relationship, then i'm more than happy to work with you, but if you are going to be oblivious to your immaturity then that's your problem..i'm done..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

sweet mother of pearl

yesterday was my grandpa's funeral, long story short, it was sad, i cried several times throughout the day, and the day before during the viewing.

hmm, not much to say right now, cuz my day is just about to begin, my cousin kevin is on his way down now to pick me up then we going to SF and San Jose, just to chill, who knows what we'll be doing, but were both today and tomorrow so we just going to see what happens, then i'll blog later on how our day went haha.

just got done cleaning cyndy's microwave haha, it was a bitch cleaning that thing..but its cool, dont want to give back all the stuff i was holding for her all dirty and shit haha.

well that's it for now i guess, later days

Saturday, August 1, 2009

New Jersey

sorry i've been MIA for the past few days, been really busy, and didnt have time to go online other than on my new iphone ;D hahah. but yeah, busy cuz my sister's friend from New Jersey is staying at my house for a week, and we just been showing him around the west coast haha. so far we took him to sacramento, jackson haha, and on thursday we went to san francisco, let me tell you that day was crazy, cuz i took my car and driving a stick on those hills was crazyyyyy, i thought i could handle it cuz i've been driving stick for awhile now, but my palms were sweating, and i was really nervous! shit was hella steep!!! i got pictures haha. my clutch was bad..smelt bad to gahhh. newho, the next day i had work, so i didnt get to go with them to six flags, boo. today im in yuba city at my cousins house for my annual min family reunion from all around to celebrate my grandma's birthday..yeah that's pretty much it, ima try to catch up on reading up on blogs..later days

things i learned that is different from New Jersey and carl's jr, jack n the box, or in n out, over there..but they do have white castle! uhm, they have someone pump their gas for them and it is illegal to do so your self, and the car pool lanes are also known as HOV lanes (high occupancy vehicles) they dont say HELLA and say MAD COOL or MEAN like for same example, wow that's a mean jawbreaker (talking about a jawbreaker size of a small baseball! haha i thought that was funny, shut up...haha theres LOTS more to, but i think its pretty interesting.